–––––in Shenandoah National Park
Most facilities and services in Shenandoah National Park are accessible or accessible with assistance.
Restrooms and Buildings
Most are accessible or accessible with assistance.
During the season, accessible overnight lodging is available at Lewis Mountain, Skyland, and Big Meadows Lodge.
Picnic Grounds and Campgrounds
Accessible sites are available at all park picnic grounds and campgrounds. Accessible shower and laundry facilities are available at Big Meadows, Lewis Mountain, and Loft Mountain campgrounds. Restrooms at picnic grounds are accessible or accessible with assistance.
Ranger Programs
At the entry gate, you will be given a copy of Shenandoah Overlook, a quarterly visitor guide with a full schedule of current ranger programs. Many of Shenandoah’s ranger-led programs are accessible.

Limberlost Trail
Limberlost Trail (milepost 43) is often enjoyed by persons with mobility challenges. This circuit hike of 1.3 miles is for people of all ages and has a 5′ wide crushed greenstone walkway on a gentle grade with frequent benches, a boardwalk, and a bridge. The trail passes through forest and a stand of mountain laurel – stunningly beautiful when it blooms in June.