There’s No Time Like That First Time

There’s No Time Like That First Time

(by Patressa Kearns)  We get it. Planning a trip can be exhausting – almost as exhausting as hiking a trail or setting up a campsite. And when you’re planning that trip to a place you’ve never been before…well, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.   But don’t let yourself...
So You Say You Want to See a Bear

So You Say You Want to See a Bear

by Patressa Kearns If you asked 100 Shenandoah National Park visitors what they most look forward to when they come to the Park, 99 of them are going to tell you it’s seeing a black bear. Seeing a black bear in its natural habitat is magical, every single time. ...
The Songbirds of Shenandoah

The Songbirds of Shenandoah

(by Patressa Kearns) When winter starts to get old, even to those of us who love winter, spring seems mighty slow to come. “Slow as molasses” doesn’t begin to describe the sluggishness of spring’s arrival, when our moods have grown stale with the general taupeness of...